Consistent progress is not an accident.

Systematic Focus
2 min readJan 7, 2022
A stair case as seen through an archway. Each step representing action that leads to consistent progress.

Consistent progress does not always look the way you want it to. Sometimes putting one foot in front of the other feels harder than it should, and other times it may seem as simple as 1-2-3.

When you consistently put your energy toward something, that energy and the steps you’ve taken will add up. I’ve learned this through both conscious and unconscious habit development. Intentionally and unintentionally.

Building new habits will take time and persistent effort. Small steps are the best way to begin. The effort may seem small in the moment, but will most certainly add up in time. The new habit will form a pathway in your mind and become easier and easier for you each time it is repeated. Like a path of less and less resistance.

Consistency builds momentum —
momentum of energy and of purpose.
Put in the work
and the day will come,
when it will all flow together.
Take a moment to step back,
to enjoy the success
of keeping your energy and effort
on track.
* (Credit= M.L.T)

2 Stairways as seen through an arched doorway.

I always look forward to the fresh feeling of a new year. I find the significance of passing time to be an interesting subject more and more as I get older.

I chose an overarching ‘theme’ for myself in 2021 and am happy with the way it informed my choices and shaped my year. As cliche as it may sound, I chose the word ‘discipline’ as my main focus.

I’m happy to report that I successfully stayed on track and built several habits that only discipline could maintain.

I decided to give it another go in 2022 and I chose the theme of ‘consistency’ (which seems to be along the same plane as discipline).

I am working on becoming established as an illustrator and graphic designer and therefore decided to do an #everyday project to help me with some of the fundamental skills I have pinpointed.

The plan is to do a drawing every day, for 100 days.
(Yes, Beeple is one of my inspirations!)

I’ll be sharing my favorites on Instagram and will be offering prints once I have accumulated a few cohesive designs.
I will also be sharing pieces of my process and some of the writing that accommodates the designs that I’ve shared each week here on Medium.

Looking forward to the momentum that this project will bring!

